About Me
About Me
Speak Up! will propel your life or career forward by becoming an outstanding public speaker, acing a job interview or annual review, launching a career in community or religious advocacy, writing, and publishing a book or biography, and even mastering life situations with family and friends like a pro.
Speak Up! also helps you uncover the concealed messages that prevent you from being fully aware of who you are. Fear of discrimination, not belonging, or the “imposter syndrome” are reactions to society’s efforts to make us all “just another brick in the wall.”
Speak Up! addresses the world, ethnic, cultural, gender, and ability discrimination gaps that are widening in the workplace and the community. The tension caused between forces that resist change and those pushing for change can be addressed with stories that can teach, inspire, and bring us together.
Why a Multicultural Approach
As diversity expands in the United States, ethnic, cultural, gender, and ability gaps widen in the workplace and the community. The tension caused between forces that resist change and those pushing for change can be addressed with stories that can teach, inspire, and bring us together.
And these powerful stories very well may be in a reader’s life, waiting to be discovered. In this Multicultural approach to storytelling, I encourage you to discover your best values, character traits, cultural attributes, and leadership skills to forge the stories that are important to you and make you unique. With these tools, you can conquer your best dreams.
Most importantly, this book makes you reflect on yourself, your life circumstances, and the work, professional, and personal environments you live in, a strong trend that is changing the workplace paradigm. By discovering the messages that shape your beliefs and actions, you will find your own voice. So, get ready for a journey of self-discovery!